FIR was first discovered through spectroscopes by German scientist in 1800. Since then, many researchers from Italy, the United States of America and Germany have found that it helps to promote health profoundly. Since 1980′s researchers and experts from the USA, Japan, Korea and China have started to accumulate scientific proofs on the contributions of FIR to the human health. The physical characteristics of FIR are invisibilty, linearity, refractivity; can be absorbed and produces warmth and harmonize with the natural life-force released by the human body to enhance resonance absorption; the ability to penerate deep into the human body.
FIR radiation is popular in Japan and Korea and recently numerous research papers on clinical experimentation and application of FIR are published. In-depth research by a Japanese expert has shown that FIR radiation is similar to the average “qi” (8 micron) wavelength emiited during “qi gong” therapy which has been practised by ancient Chinese since 3000 years ago. Co-operation between Japan’s Chinese Medical Science Society President Mr. Mitsutane Sugi and Master Lin Housheng, a prominent “qi gong” exponent of China, have produced a range of therapeutic device to perform psychosomatic treatment.
Disturbance “qi” (life-force) will disturb the normal body function illness. Therefore “qi” released from the palm of the “qi gong” master is “qi” introduced from an external source to restore the body’s function. Therefore wearing FIR products will help in producing warmth and increase the resonance absorption similar to “qi gong” therapy to restore health. According to Dr. Masao Nakamura of Japan, FIR treatment is the best solution because it achieves the objective “treatment that caused the least pain to the patient.”
The complete spectrum of sunlight consists of visible and invisible rays. The visible rays are red, orange, yellow, green, indigo, blue and violet (known as rainbow colours). The invisible rays are Ultra Violet, X-rays, Gamma, Cosmic, Microwave, Long Wave, Electrical Wave and Infrared.
Electromagnetic waves between visible light and the microwave are called infrared waves. The wave length of infrared waves range from 0.76 micron to 1,000 microns. The ranges of Near, Medium and Far Infrared Rays are 0.76 to 1.5micron, 1.5 to 4 micron, and 4 to 1,000 micron respectively.
The Physical Characteristic of FIR are : a. Invisibility b. Linearity, refractivity and reflectivity c. Upon being absorbed by various objects, the ability to produce warmth and harmonize with the natural life-force released by human body to enhance resonance absorption. d. The ability to penetrate deep into the human body.
It is false assumption that the existence of life depends upon water and oxygen. Few creatures survive the extreme north and south poles, showing the importance of warmth from Infared rays to support live. But the amount of FIR available for health is reduced as the sunlight reaches the earth because most are being absorbed by the ocean, concrete buildings and man-made objects.
FIR was first discovered through the spectroscopes of German scientists in the 1800s. Since then, many researchers from Italy, the United States of America and Germany have found that it helps to promote health profoundly. Since 1980s, researchers and experts from United States of America, Japan, Korea and China have started to accumulate scientific proofs on the contributions of FIR to human health. The physical characteristics of FIR are invisibility, linearity, refractivity; can be aborbed and produces warmth and harmonizes with the natural life-force released by the human body to enhance resonance absorption; the ability to penerate deep into the human body.
FIR radiation is popular in Japan and Korea and recently numerous research papers on clinical experimentation and application of FIR are published. In-depth research by a Japanese expert has shown that FIR radiation is similar to the average “qi” (8 micron) wavelength emiited during “qi gong” therapy which has been practised by ancient Chinese since 3000 years ago. Co-operation between Japan’s Chinese Medical Science Society President Mr. Mitsutane Sugi and Master Lin Housheng, a prominent “qi gong” exponent of China, have produced a range of therapeutic device to perform psychosomatic treatment.
Disturbance “qi” (life-force) will disturb the normal body function illness. Therefore “qi” released from the palm of the “qi gong” master is “qi” introduced from an external source to restore the body’s function. Therefore wearing FIR products will help in producing warmth and increase the resonance absorption similar to “qi gong” therapy to restore health. According to Dr. Masao Nakamura of Japan, FIR treatment is the best solution because it achieves the objective “treatment that caused the least pain to the patient.”
Far-Infrared Wave length: 1.0 x 10^-3 meters to 3 x 10^-5 meters.
Bio-Ceramic is the product which is made from of various kind of ceramic mixed with mineral oxides likes Silica Oxide (SiO2), Aluminium Oxide (AI202), etc. The mixture of these materials will emit FIR (far-infrared rays)
Bio-ceramic is made from 26 kinds of ceramic with various mineral oxides and heated together at 1600 degrees centigrade and left to cool down. After it has cooled down, this bio-ceramic will be capable of emitting FIR (far-infrared rays)
Far-infrared rays is part of the sunlight spectrum that is invisible to the naked eye. It also known as Biogenetic rays (between 6 to 14 microns). Biogenetics rays hasvebeen proven by scientists to promote the growth and health of living cells especially in plants, animals and human beings.
FIR cause resonance with water molecules. It ionize and activates water molecules in our cells and blood thus improving our blood circulation and health conditon. The human body contains more than 70% of water (H2O) by weight.
Article about FIR